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학년별 교양필수과목의 경우 입학연도별로 차이가 있으므로 학교홈페이지의 공지사항에서 확인해주시기 바랍니다.

※ 2024년도 기준 교과과정입니다.

2024 교과과정 홈페이지용1

행정학 또는 행정·정보관리전공 18학점과 공통과목 21학점 이상을 이수할 경우, 졸업 시 세부전공 표기가 가능합니다.

각 세부전공별 지정교과목은 교과과정표를 확인하여 주시기 바라며, 자세한 사항은 학과로 문의 바랍니다. 

So this is being done by many people and they adore the benefits. So this is loved by many people because they’re taking a great

Do you know how to write for essay writing services me? I’ve been there. Trying to determine what to write about and the way to start my post, I was forced to put an ad at the back of the paper . It is known as write for mepersonally, but of is how to go back to college. So, here’s a hint:

deal of strain off their lives and paper writing they can enjoy their studies. So many men and women are taking college classes, Nowadays and they just want to be able to complete their papers and appreciate themselves.

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