교수진 소개 이종성 교수

- 서울대학교 사회복지학과 학사 (문학사)
- 서울대학교 행정대학원 석사 (정책학)
- 미국 컬럼비아대학교 (Columbia University, School of Social Work) 석사
- 미국 컬럼비아대학교 (Columbia University, School of Social Work) 박사(사회정책·정책분석)
- 제55회 행정고시 합격
- 보건복지부, 국무조정실, 행정안전부
- 미국 국무부 장학생 (Fulbright Scholar)
- Research Assistant (Center on Poverty and Social Policy, Columbia Population Research Center/ Columbia University)
논문 및 저서
* 학술논문
- Min, N. and Lee, J. (2022). When to use the highly skilled contract employees? Experiences from a home visiting healthcare program in Korea. Review of Public Personnel Administration (Forthcoming)
- Lee, J., Min, N., and Yoon, C. (2023). Knock knock: Can Doorstep Public Service Improve Community Health Outcomes? Journal of Asian Public Policy. 16(4).
- Lu, P., Kezios, K., Lee, J., Calonico, S., Wimer, C., and Zeki Al Hazzouri, A. (2023). Association Between Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Use and Memory Decline: Findings From the Health and Retirement Study. Neurology. 100(6).
- Noh, H., Lee, J., Chow, R., Lee, J., CB, S. I., Shin, H. J., & Choi, Y. G. (2022). The prognostic role of anticoagulants in COVID-19 patients: national COVID-19 cohort in South Korea. Annals of Palliative Medicine, 11(4).
- Chow, R., Lee, J., Noh, H., Lee, J., CB, S. I., Shin, H. J., & Choi, Y. G. (2022). The association between statin and COVID-19 adverse outcomes: national COVID-19 cohort in South Korea. Annals of Palliative Medicine, 11(4).
- Shin, H. J., Chow, R., Noh, H., Lee, J., Lee, J., CB, S. I., & Choi, Y. G. (2022). The association between immunosuppressants use and COVID-19 adverse outcomes: national COVID-19 cohort in South Korea. Annals of Palliative Medicine, 11(4).
- Jeong, H., Lee, J., Shin, H., and Shin, J. (2021). Socioeconomic Disparities by Health Insurance Type during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Nationwide Study. Epidemiology and Health, 43.
* 북챕터
- Lee, J. & Kasuahal, N. (2023). How Intergenerational Transfers Impact Poverty Among Aged Immigrants in the United States? Handbook of Aging, Health and Public Policy
기타 (수상경력)
- Ruth Fizdale Doctoral Dissertation Award (우수 박사졸업논문상, 미국 컬럼비아대)
- Sylvia Rosenberg Dissertation Award (우수 박사졸업논문상, 미국 컬럼비아대)
- Weatherhead East Asian Institute Research Award (우수 연구지원기금, 미국 컬럼비아대)
- Negotiation and Conflict resolution Certificate (협상가 과정 수료, 미국 하버드대 로스쿨)
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